Sunday, April 24, 2016

Indoor racetrack...

Friends of ours have this awesome indoor racetrack and the boys had a blast!  Not a bad way to spend a Saturday night!!!

Community Moose...

We have a very curious moose living in the ravine behind our home and a couple Saturdays ago he decided to get quite brave and venture into one of the neighbours backyards! The 4.5ft fence was not a problem getting over at all!!! So far no issues and I hope it stays that way :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Liam has started a climbing class and is thinking it's pretty cool!!! Amazing what kids are able to try these days at such a young age!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fire Hall trip...

Spent the morning with Liam's class on Friday at the Fire Hall in Edgemont. The kiddies had a blast using the fire hose, the jaws of life and of course the tour of the fire truck always seems to be the highlight! Actually I think they loved watching one ofthe firemen slide down the fire pole ~ did look pretty fun ;)

Hockey Wind Up...

Well 1st year Novice under our belts and won't be long before evaluations start up again! We had our wind up party down in Bowness Park and it was a perfect way to wrap up the season!!! The boys were lucky enough to keep their jerseys this year so we had their names put on the back which they all thought was awesome :)  Great group of families and kiddos! 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016...

Easter Brunch has started to become our "norm" rather than a big supper. We spent the day out at the farm and the Easter Bunny even managed to hide some eggs out there for the boys!!! It was quite the hunt :)  Lots of fun, delicious food and glad that GG (Dorothy - Andrew's grandma who is 95!) was able to make it out to celebrate with us.  The story behind the letter to Liam is that I keep their baskets and refillable plastic eggs so that the Easter Bunny doesn't have to carry everything with him.  The boys found the eggs a couple weeks ago and were having they own hunt but Liam was being let's say "not gentle" with one of them and it broke ~ hence the letter... He seemed to be ok with having less eggs than Declan but did ask if they could switch colours next year ;)

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Omi arrived for a week of playing with the boys!!! Monopoly, Doctor, reading books and playing outside when it was nice were just a few activities on the list requested by the boys! Liam wishing she could stay longer to play doctor and Declan was so happy that she got to watch him skate at one of his last practises of the season. A photo was requested by one of mom's friends and this was as good as it got with the turkeys ;) Thanks again mom for all of your help xoxo